by admin_brandtec | Apr 25, 2024 | Euro FundAward 2024, LiLux Convert
Luxembourg, April 2024. As in previous years, the fund management team at NOBIS Asset ManagementS.A. has secured a top ranking in one of the most important industry awards. In the category RF Convertible Bonds/Worldwide – in the evaluation period of3 years...
by admin_brandtec | May 1, 2023 | €uro best-buy issue 05/2022, LiLux Convert
€uro best-buy, the supplement of €uro Magazin, spoke with Roland Haller, Managing Director of Luxembourg-based Nobis Asset Management, about the global bond fund LILUX CONVERT with a focus on convertible bonds....
by admin_brandtec | May 25, 2023 | Euro FundAward 2022, LiLux Convert
Ahn, February 2022. With this award, NOBIS Asset Management S.A. underscores its status as one of the leading providers in the convertible bond funds segment as recipient of one of the most important industry awards. The editors of the “€uro”, €uro-fondsxpress, €uro...