Factsheet LiLux Rent

ISIN: LU0083353978

Marketing Advertisement | Updated 30 December 2024

Investment Policy

The fund invests primarily in euro bonds. Up to a third of the fund’s assets can be invest-ed in currencies of the OECD countries in order to optimise performance. The sub-fund is actively managed and not through a reference to a benchmark index.


Past performance is not indicative of future returns.

Source: Bloomberg LiLux Rent
Barclays Global Aggregate Total Return
Period  Performance (EUR)
1 month 0.25%
3 months 1.90%
6 months 4.33%
Current year 8.36%
1 year 8.36%
3 years 3.50%
5 years 8.95%
10 years 23.78%
20 years 127.47%

Broken down by Country

Broken down by Currency

Broken down by Sector

Fund Master Data
KAG VP Fund Solutions (Luxembourg) SA
ISIN LU0083353978
Security ID 973677
Benchmark Barclays Global Aggregate TR Hdg EUR
Sector Anleihen Global
Issue Date 21.12.1992
Fund Manager NOBIS Asset Management S.A.
Pension Funds Corporate Bonds/EUR 3
Authorization for distribution A, D, L, FL, CH¹
Currency EUR
Issue surcharge² 3.00%
Redemption fee² up to 1.00%
Management fee 1.05%
Total Expense Ratio 1.63%
Performance Fee
Type of payout Plough back
NAV per 30.12.24³ EUR 243.69
Fund volume as per 30.12.24 EUR 82.8 million
¹ For professional investors
² Plus applicable brokerage fees charged by the main bank. These costs may be associated with the purchase, holding, conversion or sale of units or shares of the sub-fund and may reduce the investor’s return.
³ Excluding applicable issue surcharges


Softbank Group 29 3.375 % 7.00%
BNP Par. Fortis VAR 6.35%
3 % Brit Amer Tobacco Perp. VAR 4.74%
Sagerpar 26 0 % CV 4.64%
Cellnex Telecom 31 0.75 % CV 4.21%
2 % Total Energies Perp. VAR 4.08%

Average 1 year volatility 1.83% (Source: Onvista)

Asset Allocation / Broken down by Rating


This is a marketing advertisement. Please read the prospectus or the constituent documents, the investor information, and the key investor information (KIID) before making a final investment decision. Like any investment in securities and comparable assets there is a risk of falling share prices and currency losses as-sociated with an investment in investment funds. This means that the prices of the fund shares and the level of income fluctuate and cannot be guaranteed. The costs of the fund’s investments influence the actual investment performance. The statutory sales documents apply to the acquisition of shares. All information published here serves solely to describe the product and does not constitute any investment advice and does not contain an offer of a consultancy agreement, contract for the provision of information or for the purchase/sale of securities. The contents have been carefully researched and compiled. No liability can be assumed for their correctness, completeness or accuracy.

This data relates to the past and does not constitute a guarantee for future performance. The management and custodian bank fees and all other costs, which are charged to the fund in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions are included in the calculations. The investment advertised in this marketing ad is for the purchase of units or shares of the sub-fund and not for the purchase of any underlying asset acquired by the sub-fund.

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